WARNING: If you are a smoker that wants to kick to habit for good, this is the most important message you will ever read!


Important Health Information

Important Health Information

* Because of the variety of health problems that are linked to smoking, the majority of those people would love to be able to quit. But as with any addictive habit, this is often easier said than done. People who quit smoking often experience severe withdrawal symptoms (both physical and mental) - making it hard for them to stick with their goal of quitting completely.

1. Try and pick a good time to quit. Don't try to quit during the holidays, during finals week, right before a big presentation, or any other time where stress levels are heightened. This will decrease your chances of success and give you an excuse to start smoking again.

2. You may gain a small amount of weight when quitting smoking. This is normal. Most people gain between 5 to 10 pounds after quitting due to the decreased metabolism that quitting nicotine can cause. Weight gains of more than 10 pounds are usually caused by people substituting food for cigarettes in their diet.

3. Be prepared to try quitting more than once. Most people are not fully successful the first time they try and need to attempt it a couple of times before they finally quit for good. Don't get discouraged if you aren't successful at first. Like anything worth doing, it may take you a few tries to get it right.

1 comment:

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